Have you checked the other streams in the Badlands? Then go and try the third (and fourth) one. Not as fun but an interesting route anyhow.
I was trying to find a fun way to go to the Penis rock, but this Loi Po Sai stream (女婆西坑) is not especially interesting. Only recommended for those trying to conquer all streams in HK.
From 1935 to 1967 tungsten was mined under Needle Hill. Remains of the buildings, tunnels, and others are still there within the growing vegetation, ready to be explored.
Another alternative plan to Ma Dai stream. You can combine it as a return path for Shek Lung Chai stream, or as main target + bushwalking in the area.
Starting from the same MTR station an alternative plan to Ma Dai stream. Not as spectacular but cleaner and with less people in the falls.
Good initiation stream hike. Gentle slope, tons of easy exits upwards, incremental difficulty, pristine water, some nice small waterfalls.
Nice stream with a couple of thin but cute waterfalls ending in Thousand Islands or another easy stream down.
Sometimes friends ask for an easy walk or newcomers want to see touristy destinations. This includes both.
Remote waterfalls within a Vietnam war movie like jungle environment. Can be fun or can be bit nasty.
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