HK outdoor adventures

Hiking, running, swimming every bit of Hong Kong

How to start

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Quite some people have asked me how they could start enjoying the type of adventures shown on this web. Here a short compendium of everything explained.


Here quite some of the books and webs I have referenced in various posts and we have talked about in our long chatty outings.

Beacon Hill

Various short outings including a climbing crag, a bit of scrambling, a gully, WW2 tunnels, bamboo forests, nice views of the city & more.

Ha Kung Hang

蝦公坑 (Shrimp Stream) is a cute, small, & easy stream meanwhile you exit it halfway through. For those looking for less hiked routes.

Chou Shing stream

Another stream feeding Shing Mun. Significantly smaller, but not a bad one, with a few pretty waterfalls and pools. Good to continue exploring the area.

Diving in Hong Kong

When most people think about diving, the Philippines or other tropical areas come to mind. In Hong Kong, we do have some spots where to enjoy it too.

Great boulder forest

Jungle + underground fun in the further West. Only for those looking for more remote outings with the good and bad. Some won’t like it.


Checking further the far West. The end of the badlands with Instagramy spots, a cute stream, fun mini caves, and rocks to enjoy through/in.

The Wetlands

Just checking one more of the varied terrains in Hong Kong. Little treasure for the bird enthusiasts. Interesting contrasts for the curious.

Biking HK

Hong Kong is not exactly bike-friendly. But there are a few decent MTB options and some easy routes good for a relaxed day out.

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