Kau Keng West stream (九逕西坑) is a short nice stream above Tuen Mun. Good to combine with other routes in the area, too short by itself.

See full screen & the Garmin track.

I checked it randomly while running in the area several years ago and brought Summer recently, when she was starting to recover from a torn upper body muscle.

The closest MTR station is Tuen Mun, although you have quite a walk to the start from there. From Hin Fat Ln you can find stairs going up to the concrete path that is the last stage of MacLehose. Turn right and in no time the entry to the stream here.

In all the area you can find constructions to control the water and prevent possible landslides heading down the city. Summer already in stream.

The first tricky scramble. 2m perpendicular without good holds. I just climbed up to the left and carefully (loose soil) next to the tree/bush you see up there go down back again to the stream.

There are a few small pools en route.

This one is quite pretty after rain. Climb on its right side, starting to see ribbons.

A little higher a waterfall that is easy to scramble up in.

And again more falling rocks containing structures.

Moving forward the stream looks more regularly hiked with ropes and others set.

Higher some more waterfalls, and a small pool that used to be a gathering place for old guys (cooking gear and others stored around). Last time it looked abandoned.

Eventually the slope decreases and the vegetation gets more dense. So we decided to take a (not very defined) path heading North.

Once on top of the hill you have tons of options. We had already planned to go to Lo Fu stream. In the map above one of the most direct routes there.

After some easy fun, we checked a new tributary up and head back down through a main path to Tuen Mun.

Everything you should know before stream hiking.