Cute short stream heading down from Needle Hill area. Several smaller waterfalls and pools. I usually hike it down after being in the upper area.

See full screen & Garmin track. Both include going up Shen Xiu stream first (clockwise), to be explained later.

As mentioned in this previous post in mid-February (expect more water and prettier waterfall pics in the rainy season) after Heung Fan Liu we went up to Needle Hill and then down this stream. I have used the current name on Openstreetmaps, although maybe 七弦琴石澗 should be better translated as Lyre stream (?) Not sure the reason for the name. Because 7 total relatively thin waterfalls? Or maybe one of them looks like a lyre? Please comment below if you know the answer.

All my pics are hiking it in top to bottom direction. Explained that way.

Steep steps down Needle Hill, and after a little time on this concrete path

you can find a clear sandy path connecting with the electric pylon. You can even see it in the satellite view.

Pass it, continue for a while, and eventually I could hear the stream. So I went directly down. No path. Just down holding trees to the stream. This last upper section seemed not hiked. A lot more vegetation and a few waterfalls that only must look nice after significant rain. Eventually, I gave up the exploration upstream, it needs a machete and tons of patience. With these guys, we directly went down

and pass the usual exit/entry (red fork on the map). The stream moving forward is way more open. With small pools and tons of cute falls

until you arrive here 😅 (purple)

My first time here it was almost sunset, so with not much time and I couldn’t see how to go down… Approx 7m fall. No ribbons atop to guide me… Luckily I had the thin 15m climbing rope that I bring when exploring new routes. With it, I was able to “rappel” down on the left side (looking from the bottom) of the fall. Once down I realized that there was an easier scramble up on the right side instead. Where the ladies are in the two pics above. Now there is even a side path with ribbons on the right side, in case you want to avoid completely the climb.

Just after the fall, there are the first slums and more possibilities of trash. Moving forward more water-catching structures & bigger pools.

Several possible clear exits and concrete paths heading down to Tai Wai area, where I usually take the MTR back.

Everything you should know before stream hiking.