Soko Islands offer history, very fun coasteering, and impressive rocks. So much that we did not have time to see everything that we had planned.
The hills of Ling Fa Shan (NT) are full of tunnels. Well over 100 adits as per those that have been trying to check them all. Exploration for weeks.
Which are the most accessible WW2 tunnels in Hong Kong? For the time being definitely these. Although they might be soon sealed/reformed…
Did I mention that there are tons of tunnels in Hong Kong? Some more in the area, narrower and trickier. For those happy with the challenge.
Looking for the fake slot canyon of Hong Kong or trying to visit all the mines we have? The only two reasons to recommend this place.
Not an especially interesting coasteering route. Just good for the “want to see it all”s or to increase the mileage after/before other routes around.
More Japanese tunnels on the Island. Dug in rock, longer, and slightly more complex. Tons of bats in one of them. Be careful, they are very fragile.
Not an especially interesting route but for the slabs just in front of Disney. Surprisingly fun ending to a short route if done on its own.
There are tons of tunnels all around Hong Kong. I was trying to set a short hiking route visiting as many interesting ones as possible in one go.
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