Small stream with just a few interesting trees and man-made structures. Very little flow, small climbable waterfalls, and relatively slippery rocks.
Another small stream heading up towards Needle Hill. Gentle high falls and pools that can look pretty in rainy season before bushy/slippery exit.
The most impressive cliff under Needle Hill. That feature aside, a not interesting, slightly tricky & trashed little flow stream within the jungle.
Cute short stream heading down from Needle Hill area. Several smaller waterfalls and pools. I usually hike it down after being in the upper area.
The first stream under Needle Hill that I’d recommend. Cute, a couple of big waterfalls, relatively easy and short. Perfect for a few hours fun or to combine with more.
Needle Hill is an iconic spot for hikers & trail runners, who like to discuss which way up (West, East) is better. Here several less conventional routes.
Small stream, easy and cute. It would be a really nice ending for a short visit to the badlands if it were not for the troublesome exit if you are following the signs around.
Small streams far in East Sai Kung Country Park. Clear Water, a few nice waterfalls, and a fun tiny gorge-like structure for those ready to go far for this.
Dry stream hiking up to the rock river just under the Hunchbacks. Tons of possible additional fun around to include in a long day in the area.
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