Beautiful stream with several high waterfalls and deep pools. Side paths available or very high in waterfalls climbs. Be careful with the latter.
Tiny creek with little water a big part of the year but which can be really fun & pretty after heavy rain. Short and with relatively bushy exit.
On my way to Saikung country park from New Territories I saw clearly from the bus a big waterfall. I added it to the long check / to do list.
I completely forgot to upload this route 😅 Ngau Yee creek (牛耳石坑 = cow ear creek). Relatively low flow and not specially interesting.
No more than potential side fun if you are in Bride’s Pool, Plover Cove area. Low flow stream with a nice wall and several pools en route.
Tiny stream in the middle of nowhere plunging into the sea. Oxidized iron red water atop. Only for the most hardcore I want to see them all.
Checking further the valley of Ho Chung. Decent low-flow tributary with a few nice falls and some surprises to end the stream.
Unnamed yet. I found hundreds of Swallowtail moths while checking it. The reason why I called it that way. Almost completely uninteresting.
Convenient little stream good for a short outing with beginners and/or to add to other routes around. Clear water & a few picturesque falls.
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