Small stream with a massive waterfall that you can see from the very road. Surprisingly little hiked and with not so clear navigation therefore.

See full screen & the Garmin track.

I knew about this stream, you can see the waterfall from the road, but I had never checked it. After hiking Kau To, Denvy decided to take the bus back home and Enrique & I went for this. Tai Poi Mei Hang 大埔尾坑 goes down next to the village of the same name and further down next to the Chinese University. But the interesting part starts above the road. Just next to it we found a set rope to go down to the stream. Video.

Rope. Walk a little bit in man made water catching structures and in a few minutes arrive at the highlight of the stream: the Deer Mountain waterfall (鹿山飛瀑).

It can be massive after rainy days, with a twin less steep waterfall on its right. On 0:29 in the video you can see how they separate.

The scramble next to the waterfall is not easy. Enrique was not feeling comfortable at all with the wet slippery rocks and the height. So I asked him to take it easy and wait for me while I found an easier way up for him, with pruners and the rope. Checking now posts of the area (wildconquerors, catthui, gohikinghk) it seems that most did a similar combination. If you are OK with climbing slippery, start (0:43) next to the left waterfall. A bit more than 2/3 way up cross (0:57) to the right waterfall and climb carefully to the top. If not comfortable you can find a way up in the middle (1:05), in between the two waterfalls. Not clear at all. I needed to use the pruners and set up the rope (1:29) to make his way up easier.

Once on top the stream is significantly easier.

There are a few pools and carefully to scramble waterfalls. Slippery rocks everywhere even with the Five Tens (2:25). A significant fork at 3:00 just after the pool that Enrique is wading in the picture above (9 on the map). We continued on the left tributary, which looks the most hiked and shortest way out. At (10) there is a very clear path (3:39) that in no time brings you to the concrete path going back down to the starting point.

Everything you should know before stream hiking.