The small brother of Ling Fung stream. Significantly less water, more complex navigation and high scrambling required though.

See full screen & the Garmin track going Ling Fung stream first & Lung Tsai (purple) after.

After hiking Ling Fung we looped back to the starting point for this second tributary. So on the fork (8) this time we took the left tributary. More water, but also very dense vegetation immediately. Video.

We took the wrong way initially. To find the proper way up we needed to cross even denser vegetation (0:37). This section didn’t look hiked at all in a long while. Upper there are a couple of bridges heading to the the houses nearby. One is really close to the bridge with an alarm (1:14 Tania asking what that sound was) and tons of flags around. I guess hikers enter through the bridges if hiking this tributary. There are several old broken dams & tons of loose rocks full stream that was mainly dry. The stream ends with the only remarkable waterfall.

Pics from the wildconquerors post vs mine to see the differences. Now and then, with the broken small water-holding walls.

Dryish & full of water. The last picture was taken either from the road above or the loose rock slope on the right side of the stream. Easier exit if not able to scramble next to the waterfall. BTW, there was a wasp nest (2:00) just in the middle of the climb 😅 Luckily uninhabited.

Would I recommend hiking Lung Tsai? Only if you are around, after quite some rain and just going into the stream through the bridges. Avoiding the initial bushy section. If you are experienced enough, you could even downclimb through the scree and climb the waterfall. Here for example it seems someone downclimbed to check the Easternmost tributary: 羌山北坑.

Everything you should know before stream hiking.