Cha Kwo Chau 茶果洲 is a tiny island in front of Tong Fuk. A few peculiar rocks & little more. OK for a kayak visit or long-distance swimmers.
A mixture of pretty rocks, short nice scrambling, and long pebble sections. Extra fun if you are ready to go long including Wong Mau Chau.
Wu Ying Pai 烏蠅排 are two islets semi connected by a short tombolo just in front of Disney. Very cute & photogenic, mainly with a drone.
Tiny islets within the huge Tolo channel. Picturesque, above all with a drone, and not much more. Passing ground while kayaking/swimming.
I had a few islets pending to check on the very North of Hong Kong. Just further up than Kat O. Ticking out the last parts of all HK coastline.
A long route full of corals, clear water, remote beaches, and a few nice rocks in the Geopark. More suitable for a swim hike than usual coasteering.
Furthermost HK island with public transportation. Beautiful rocks, beach, and clear water. Easy hiking, coasteering and snorkeling there.
Peculiar coasteering route with interesting spots but too much concrete and small rock areas also. For hardcore “want-to-do-all” or beginners.
Beautiful route with history, distinct rock formations, challenging spots and more. The Prison and the PLA complex make it tricky though.
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