Hiking, running, swimming every bit of Hong Kong

Category Streams

Lion Head

Pretty cliff with picturesque rocks & several scrambling & climbing options. Really bad quality rock all over the area. Be careful around.


Small stream with a massive waterfall that you can see from the very road. Surprisingly little hiked and with not so clear navigation therefore.

Kau To main

Pleasant stream within the woods with quite some moss. A few deep pools and several easy-to-climb waterfalls, good for an easy day out.

Kau To South

Cute small stream very close to the city. One more in the area. Mostly within the woods, small falls and pools and not the cleanest water.

Lung Tsai

The small brother of Ling Fung stream. Significantly less water, more complex navigation and high scrambling required though.

Ling Fung

Ling Fung Stream 凌風石澗 is a beauty full of waterfalls and pools of crystalline water. Please be considered and keep it that way.

Wall Mountain

壁山溪 Wall Mountain stream has a few peculiar man made structures, several waterfalls and an initial cute woods area. Bushy exit though.

Wu Lei Tau

Several climbable waterfalls, deep pools, relatively short, easy transportation, easy exit. Perfect for testing beginners who want more.

Wu Lei Tau Left Left

Absolutely not recommended unless you are into gardening and want to open your way up through bamboos & bush in a minuscule stream.

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